The Formula SAE competitions challenge teams of university undergraduate students to design, fabricate, develop and compete with small, formula style vehicles.
Our team's website can be found here.
Design Process
GOAL: As the Accumulator Subteam Lead, I am leading a team of 10 engineers to design and manufacturing a 400V battery pack to power a Formula style EV. My technical project is Segment Design which includes the pack configuration, packaging of the cells (mechanical and electrical layout), and cooling.
Pack Configration
MK7's goal is to finish the 22km endurance which means making sure there is enough power.
We settled with 6 x 96s5p which provides:
- Max Voltage: 403.2V
- Nominal Energy: 7.26kWh
- Weight: 33.6kg

Spreadsheet with calculations to determine the configuration

mechanical PaCKAGING
(In progress...)
electrical layout & Cooling
(In progress...)
(In progress...)​​​​​​​
Accumulaor in mk7 VEHICLE
(In progress...)​​​​​​​
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