This robot is for the 2022 Rapid React Game. (Game Animation)
Render of robot
Render of robot
Robot at Silicon Valley's Competition
Robot at Silicon Valley's Competition
Design Process
intake geometry
In intake geometry was optimized using CAD to provide constant contact during the intake of the game piece (9'' ball). 
This pneumatic-driven roller intake uses mecanum wheels allowing wider contact and automatic centering of the game piece. 
Two-stage telescope climber
The telescope climber is spring loaded and speed-controlled with a gearbox. Once the robot is in the air, the gearbox locks to counteract gravity.
The two hooks are designed to lift weights over 120lbs. 
The telescoping mechanism allows for a compact design and speedier robot, lowering the robot's center of gravity. 
Angle-Adjustable shooting Hood
The adjustable hood allows the robot to shoot the game piece (9" ball) from any position on the game field. 
The angle is controlled by a motor driving a custom geared path. 
The wheel type and size were chosen to account for friction and constant compression until the game piece is fully released.
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